Thursday, April 24, 2008

Presentation Thoughts...

Presentation Thoughts….

For my presentation, I really want to emphasize all of the ways that nursing is portrayed in the media and our American culture. I was thinking about maybe doing a presentation with pictures, because I know that pictures are so effective in how nursing is portrayed in the media. In class, Ms. Patrick presented how a picture can lead the audience a certain way or can make them feel certain emotions based on how the picture is cropped, where the title is placed, or even the saturation of color have a huge affect. Also, word choice and the color used are extremely important to convey certain feelings. In my argument paper, I emphasized the comedy, Meet the Parents. To really make my point evident, maybe I can actually retrieve this movie clip and play it for the class on a power point slide show, and then address the issues I presented in my paper. I also thought of the idea of dressing up in class in legitimate nursing scrubs and then presenting pictures of the Halloween costumes of nursing. These pictures will certainly get the point across (if I can find any that are not too suggestive) that nursing is incorrectly portrayed among our peers and larger culture. These are just a few ideas that I have ‘brewing’ in my head.

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